Thursday, 24 September 2020

Finch Goes West!

Pleased to announce that the third Ingo Finch adventure, Hell Gate, comes out in digital form, Nov 5 (Kindle/Apple/Kobo), followed by paperbacks for all three novels in May, published by Canelo – No Ordinary Killing, The Cold North Sea and Hell Gate. The first was number one in the Kindle charts (Historical Thrillers).

Set in 1905, the new story takes Ingo to New York (and beyond) as a fully-fledged British agent while the Great Powers continue their posturing in the build-up to what will become the Great War. It's an espionage thriller full of twists and turns and with a very strong female character I'm immensely proud of. It's an interesting period of history for me, what we call La Belle Époque but which America dubs The Gilded Age. The last book focused a great deal on London as the pre-eminent "world city". But you can see here that the US is on an accelerated path to global prominence, with a vibrant Gotham set to rival London.

Anyway, I hope you like it. Personally I think it's the best one so far. As a rookie novelist, I'd figured out a bit more what I was doing this time! Do click on the above links for further info.